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Farrar & Ball obtain confidential settlement against Ford Motor Company

Farrar & Ball successfully concluded litigation against Ford Motor Company when a settlement was reached in Navarro v. Ford Motor Company et al., filed inMaricopa County, Arizona. The lawsuit steamed from a rollover incident occurring on June 17, 2007 near Hermosillo, Mexico. The Navarro family was traveling in their 1998 Ford Explorer when the right

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Cooper Tire settles multi-death case with Farrar & Ball

Farrar & Ball successfully concluded litigation against Cooper Tire and Rubber Company when a settlement was reached in Navarro v. Cooper Tire et al., filed in Maricopa County, Arizona. The lawsuit steamed from a rollover incident occurring on June 17, 2007 near Hermosillo, Mexico. The Navarro family was traveling in their Ford Explorer when the

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Farrar & Ball reach settlement with Cooper Tire

Cooper Tire settles case filed by Farrar & Ball on behalf of two clients who lost their mother in an accident caused by the failure of a Cooper tire. On April 14, 2007, Ms. Cardenas Clark was traveling in her Ford Taurus when the right rear tire suffered a catastrophic tread separation. The loss of

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$575,000 settlement reached against trucking company

Two weeks prior to trial, Farrar & Ball obtained a $575,000 settlement with a trucking company steaming from an accident that occurred on I-45. On March 23, 2007, Farrar & Ball’s client was traveling south on I-45 when he was rear-ended by an tractor traveling bob-tail. The client was transported to a local hospital due

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Farrar & Ball obtain confidential settlement in rollover/product’s liability case

Farrar & Ball successfully concluded litigation against Ford Motor Company when a settlement was reached in Trujillo, et. al. v. Ford Motor Company et. al., filed in Maricopa County, Arizona. The lawsuit steamed from a rollover incident. The Trujillo family was traveling in their Ford Explorer when the left rear tire suffered a tread separation,

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Farrar & Ball obtain confidential settlement in tread separation case against Hankook Tire Corporation

Farrar & Ball successfully concluded litigation against Hankook Tire Corporation when a settlement was reached in Cortez, et. al. v. Hankook Tire Corporation et. al., filed in Harris County, Texas. The lawsuit steamed from a rollover incident, which was preceded by the catastrophic tire failure of Plaintiffs’ right rear tire. In the rollover, Mrs. Cortez,

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Farrar & Ball obtain severe legal sanctions against Hankook Tire Corporation

In Cortez, et. al. v. Hankook Tire Corporation et. al., filed in Harris County, Texas the 280th District Court handed down sanctions against Hankook Tire Corporation for discovery misconduct aimed at blocking testimony and the production of case specific documents. Farrar & Ball filed its Motion for Sanctions in response to repeated discovery misconduct and

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Farrar & Ball obtain favorable settlement in assault case

In Aguillon v. Silverleaf Apartments, et al., filed in Harris County, Texas, Farrar & Ball forced a favorable settlement months before trial in a case concerning insufficient security at Plaintiffs’ apartment complex in south Houston. In the case, Eric Aguillon was attacked and severely beaten by an unknown third party while trying to enter his

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Farrar & Ball obtain settlement against Ford Motor Company in roof crush case

In Nieto et. al v. Ford Motor Company, et. al. filed in Brazoria County, Texas, Farrar & Ball forced a favorable settlement months before trial against Ford Motor Company. In the case, Galvon Nieto was killed when the Ford F150 in which he was a passenger rollover due loss of control of the vehicle. During

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$2,900,000 settlement reached in trucking case…

Farrar & Ball, LLP reach settlement against a trucking company in a case involving one death and one serious injury. Farrar & Ball’s clients were heading west on a highway in Wyoming at night in separate cars. One car broke down and was pulled over to the breakdown lane. The other car stopped and pulled

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