Farrar & Ball, LLP reach settlement against a trucking company in a case involving one death and one serious injury. Farrar & Ball’s clients were heading west on a highway in Wyoming at night in separate cars. One car broke down and was pulled over to the breakdown lane. The other car stopped and pulled up, nose to nose, with the damaged car, with its bright lights shining into the auto’s engine compartment and into oncoming traffic. Shortly thereafter, an 18-wheeler crested a hill approximately 1000 feet away. Shortly before reaching the vehicles, the truck driver swerved off the road into the vehicles and hit the men, killing one and causing a de-gloving injury to another’s foot. The driver testified he thought the vehicle had drifted into his lane and he moved right to avoid a collision. Defendants disputed liability, claiming Plaintiffs were at fault for parking a car with its headlights pointed into oncoming traffic. The survivor Plaintiffs was diagnosed with crush injury to his foot, complex regional pain syndrome and post traumatic stress disorder. He underwent surgery and is a candidate for a spinal stimulant implant. The decedent was survived by his son. Prior to trial, the case settled for a total of $2,900,000.